Wild Stag Studio Charity Skydive

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Wild Stag Studio Charity Skydive

Arlo Kearns

Taking To The Skies for Charity!

We are trembling in our boots because on October 1st, Dave and some of the video production team (including Jenny Kaye from Outtaline Design who made this gorgeous website) will be throwing themselves out of a plane for Brighton charity Amaze.

Amaze is a local charity that works with parents and careers of children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs in Brighton and Hove. They work hard to put smiles on the faces of families who have had a tough time and for that reason, we are so privileged to be supporting them.

If you can help us raise money for this wonderful cause then please follow this link. Every little helps! 🙂

Here is a message from Dave about the jump:

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