Our founder Dave, talks you through why this change could be groundbreaking for your business and the way we search online.
TikTok has been known to be a bit of an unknown quantity for brands, with lots of companies unsure the best way to approach their strategy with it’s fast paced UGC style video content, but a new feature that TikTok are currently trialling could be an even more important feature for the future of online branded content, especiallyif you are trying to reach a more local targeted audience.
This will be the brand new ‘Nearby’ content feed. So instead of just keeping tabs on the people you are following and the ‘For You’ page of content that TikTok suggests to you based on your likes, there will now be a feed of updates that are local to you at the time of viewing.
This could be an absolute game changer for businesses like bars, restaurants or Activity centres for example. To be honest, any business that is looking to grab people who are in the local area. With the younger generation the biggest user of TikTok, this could also shake up the way that they search for things they need. You never know, it could even mean that that ever so common Google search could be a thing of the past…could it?
We will wait and see. It’s always exciting to see the big social medias play off against each other to see which directions our content habits will go next but there’s one thing for sure, this new feature won’t be a hindrance for us business owners out there looking to reach new customers.
What are your experiences with TikTok for your business? I’d love to hear how you got on. If you’d also like to create a video marketing strategy for your brand then we’d love to have a chat!